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2020 Hermès Scarf La Légende du Cheval a Plumes - Part 1 The Unknown Pyramid


Photo coutersy of Hermès

Note: This article is an in-depth Hermès Scarf La Légende du Cheval a Plumes ---- The Unknown Pyramid (Part 1) and The Mino's Carnival (Part 2) posted on my blog on Feb. 15th 2021.  One of my IG followers, also a user member of App The Red (小红书)plagiarised my article on the App The Red (小红书) in May 2021 without my consent. 

All copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material and content on this blog, including text, photographs, and graphical images, and the site's organisation are owned by CloudWei. C or its affiliate (CloudWei.C). Unauthorised use is prohibited. Content may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, downloaded or transferred in any form or by any means.

Hidden in the Mexico valley is the Pyramid of Feathered Horse amid the humid jungles of an imaginary “H” world. Not much is known about the origin of the pyramid. It is believed the purpose of the pyramid was to worship the deities. A mysterious human-horse Mino civilization built and developed their city around the pyramid. They know music and dance could solidify trust, create community, heal the personal soul, and seek inner happiness. Their music and dance are diverse, feature a wide range of musical genres and performance styles. Their rich cultures tell about ancient myths, mysterious legends, and significant history. 

Ugo Gattoni created the Carré La Légende du Cheval a Plumes (The Legend of the Feathered Horse) for the Hermès’ 2020 Fall/Winter collection. As described in the Hermès’ booklet: “Ugo Gattoni invites us into a fantastical city populated by small, strangely human horses. At the foot of an imaginary pyramid reminiscent of the Tower of Babel, a multitude of characters roams through a futuristic cityscape aboard hovering shuttles, flying boats, and galloping aircraft. Inspired by the Mexican folklore that is so dear to him, the artist punctuates this exuberant metropolis with a musician in a sombrero, a traditional dancer, and cacti.”

Ugo Gattoni elaborates the Mesoamerican pyramids with a giant Talud-tablero style stepped terraced pyramid which soars up to the sky. It features the legendary God of horses, horse sculptures, the Olmec-style head with a feathered headdress. The traditional Mexico geographic patterns covering the pyramid’s outside surfaces and grand stairways leading up to the globe temple at the top.

Ballo, the God of Horses, welcoming the visitors at the Ballo’s gate of the pyramid. With feathered headdress and wings, Ballo is a creative God and the patron of knowledge and learning. Behind the entrance, a suspension Ugo Gattoni Bridge supported by “H” piers leads visitors to the city’s three main architectural complexes: the temple of the Feathered Horse, a sunken plaza, and a floating garden consisting of many atmospheric canals.

The outside walls of the pyramid are decorated with traditional Mexican geographic patterns. On top of the three great horses are the Zapotec Diamonds. The symmetrical centre rhombus, indicating a pyramid reflected vertically, implies our outer world is a complete reflection of our inner world. The rhombus'  four directions mark the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. The motif of Mitla on the next level of the terrace, the geometric staircase-like motif, represents all human beings going through birth, life, and death.

Between the three great horses and the sunken plaza, a Mexican Mariachi band standing on the terrace’s horizon divides the world into two overlapping realms: the deities and the mortals.

The Mariachi band is performing traditional Mexican music on the terrace,

Cielito Lindo:

De la sierra, morena

Cielito lindo vienen bajando

Un par de ojitos negros

Cielito lindo de contrabando

De la sierra, morena

Cielito lindo vienen bajando

Un par de ojitos negros

Cielito lindo de contrabando

Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores

Porque cantando se alegran

Cielito lindo los corazones

Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores

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  1. Truly, Madly and Deeply, this is one of Mr. Ugo Gattoni’s masterpiece. Not only is it a great piece of art, its historical and cultural values are magnificent!
    This imaginary or metaphorical “Pyramid of Feathered Horse” epitomizes nearly forty centuries of human history. All through history, a civilization's enduring glory is articulated by its mega constructions. The same aspirations to celebrate and uplift the spirit that drove the ancestors of the Mino civilization to build the pyramids are still driving us. Only the things we're doing differ in form and magnitude.
    From the engineers who built the pyramids to the engineers who are designing and developing tomorrow's autonomous vehicles, these visionaries and their tangible creations are inextricably linked. How the pyramids were built without today’s technology is a mystery. A “lost human civilization” is probably a much better explanation of the mysteries and paradoxes of ancient cultures. They are clever and they work hard. Just as you have summed up: “Their music and dance could solidify trust, create community, heal the personal soul, and seek inner happiness.” There is much to learn from ancient history and cultures. A fantastic review!!!


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