Next to the lush fern bush at the lower-left corner, the fragrant water lily flower blooms above the flat, heart-shaped, glossy floating leaves. A Jaguar is drinking water at the riverbank on the opposite side of the carré title: Faubourg Tropical. Jaguar, the king of Rainforest and Pantanal, is the largest cat in the Americas and the third-largest in the world. The rosette-spotted cat's name comes from the indigenous Guaraní word "yaguar" – 'he who kills with one leap'. Jaguars are solitary creatures who live and hunt alone except during mating season. These secretive giant cats are good swimmers, and they can hide easily in the dense rainforest.
The Powerful and fierce Jaguar is the National animal of Brazil. On the reverse side of the 50 banknotes, Brazilian reais is a Jaguar which the official currency banknotes was introduced on 1st July 1994.
9 out of the 15 currently recognised spider monkey species live in the Amazon Rainforest, including Howler, Spider, Squirrel, Capuchin, Tamarin and Marmoset etc. According to the Rainforest Trust, spider monkeys are extremely rare; there may be as few as 250 brown-headed spider monkeys left in the wild. The spider monkeys move swiftly through the trees with their long, slim arms and use their gripping tails as a fifth limb. They eat mostly fruit, along with nuts, seeds, buds, flowers, leaves, insects, and bird's eggs.
The Howler monkey is the largest monkey species in the Amazon Rainforest and is thought to be the loudest land animal in the world.
Can you spot a jaguar and a squirrel monkey on the rooftop?
At the upper left corner of the carré, above the treetop, is a giant snake. (The relationship between Hermès and the snake, please click Hermès Scarf Faubourg Tropical - The Human Odyssey.)
The designers created balance within the art pieces carefully in allocating weight to the dramatic giant Jungle Torch Ginger flower at the opposite corner of the Jaguar and snake in terms of their visual weight to create visual equilibrium. The giant Jungle Torch Ginger flower is one of the world’s most splendid flowers and surrounded by Santa Marta Heliconia. The cavalryman from the top of Faubourg Saint-Honoré escapes to the jungle with the flag of l'Ombre des Pivoines. The carré l'Ombre des Pivoines was designed by Octave Marsal and Théo de Gueltzl for Hermès in Autumn/Winter 2019.
The slim borders frame the tropical forest and increase the depth of the artwork; also, it offers beautiful flow and contrast when the carré is tied. The designers collaborated with the Hermès colourist team on eight colourways of this carre with a profound meaning, fascinating details and superb matching colour schemes. The magic of Faubourg Tropical brings us into the Amazon Rainforest; close your eyes and take a deep breath, hear the Howler monkey howl and the relaxing, serene water sounds, let the moist, fresh air goes deep into your lungs.
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Hermès Scarf Designer Archive - Octave Marsal
Hermès Scarf Designer Archive - Théo de Gueltzl
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